Pets for life and posterity

This mosaic from Pompeii is on display at the Naples National Archaeological Museum*. Another can be seen in Pompeii itself at the entrance to the House of the Tragic Poet with an inscription, Cave Canem (Beware of the Dog) as a warning to strangers and guests.

Remains of a dog have also been excavated from the ruins complete with an inscribed collar demonstrating the devotion between dog and its young master. The dog’s name was Delta and the inscription related how he heroically saved his owner from a wolf attack.
* Image from Wikimedia


The centuries have not diminished such an affinity with dogs, and while digital cameras record countless memories there is something special about a more permanent and tangible reminder of companionship.

Just 25 km from Pompeii in the heart of Sorrento, dog lovers can discover their own pet’s lookalike from a range of popular breeds produced in ceramic and delivered to their door. There is even a customised service to reproduce the colours and distinctive features from photographs of a beloved pet.


Remind yourself of those fond memories of companionship with a pat on the head of your pet’s sculpture each time you pass. It’s not just dogs on show, but a menagerie of cats, rabbits and other animals from the smallest mouse to the grandest lion.


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Pets for life

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